На 16 ноември (четвъртък) в 20:00 ч. ще бъде домакини на прожекция "Архивиране на смисли" и отворена дискусия за портретното кино. Събитието е част от Международния фестивал на портретния филм и е с вход свободен. On November, 16th (Thursday), at 7 pm we are hosting the screening "Archiving Meanings" followed by an open discussion about portrait cinema. The event is part of the International Portrait Film Festival (IPFF) and is free.

Гледане до влюбване – бавно, търпеливо, съзерцателно, изследващо, докато откриеш каквото търсиш или съвсем друго. Това усещане предлага на зрителите четвъртото издание на Международния фестивал на портретния филм / International Portrait Film Festival (IPFF), което ще срещне публиката с къси филмови портрети от света. На 16 ноември 2023 фестивалът гостува във Велико Търново.

Watching until in love – slowly, patiently, contemplating, exploring until you find what you’re looking for or something else entirely. Such feelings and states may be provoked in the viewers by the 4th edition of the International Portrait Film Festival (IPFF), where audiences will encounter short film portraits from around the world. On November, 16th the festival comes to Veliko Tarnovo

16.11.23 (четвъртък) | 20:00 | ТАМ
Прожекция “Архивиране на смисли” + отворена дискусия за портретното кино
Свободен вход

16.11.23 (Thursday) | 20:00 | TAM
Screening Archiving Meanings + open discussion about portrait cinema
Free entrance

Очакваме ви с официално селектираните късометражни филми на IPFF: 5 социално ангажирани портретни произведения откриват своето място в пространството на ТАМ, където дейностите в посока по-добра среда и общност не спират. Зрителите ще имат възможност да преживеят и дискутират темите за травмата от войната, правата на хората с увреждания и възрстните представители на обществата, водата и околната среда, за които трябва да се грижм по-добре. За повече детайли – следете Дискусия!

Get ready to encounter the officially selected short films of the IPFF: 5 socially engaged portrait works find their place in the space of TAM, where the activities towards a better environment and community never stop. Viewers will have the opportunity to experience and discuss the topics of war trauma, the rights of people with disabilities and older members of societies, the waters of the world that we need to take better care of. For more details – follow Discussion!

About Portrait Cinema and the IPFF

IPFF is dedicated to the exploration of the portrait as a cultural phenomenon and seeks its possible manifestations and paths in cinema as a synergistic art.

A portrait is an image heavy with meaning. Multilayered and multifaceted, it has a visual, psychological, material, emotional and spiritual dimension.

Unravelled in art, the painted, the literary, the photographic portrait is often perceived by the human mind as a still frozen in time. But, in fact, it has already undergone a transformation. From its true origin, through the consciousness that revives the brush, the quill and the lens, to the semblance that begins its life on the canvas and on the page. Imitation and repetition, but with endless potential for future metamorphoses.

The film portrait, too, is captured in time. It is not motionless – literally and metaphorically. The cinematographic portrait is a soul in the form of light encountering the canvas of the white screen. The portrait is a trace. And a sign. A secret. A reverie.