В петък (21 юни) от 21:00 ч. посрещаме две румънски банди. Първи на сцената ще чуем Uniforma, а след тях излизат We singing colors, които слушахме на 48 ч. Варуша юг 2023. Вход: 20 лв. On June 21st (Friday), at 9 pm, we welcome two Romanian bands. First on stage are Uniforma, then we will listen to We singing colors, whom we know from last year's edition of 48h Varusha South festival. Entrance: 20 BGN.
We sining colors
Since the beginning, in 2011, We Singing Colors (Facebook, Instagram) combine indie folk with electro / alternative pop elements to create their own vibrant world. It’s an invitation to dance and happiness, but also going down into the depths of sadness, which results in self-reconciliation and a good vibe. Their first album, Made of Wool, Made of Heavy Metal, was more dreamy and minimalistic, focusing on melancholic acoustics. The second album, Lone Learner, completed the picture with more elaborate sounds, rhythms, synths and percussion play here an important role. The third album, Hopium, released in 2023, maintains the eclectic line on the fine line between indie, folk and pop, with even more dancy vibes and witty lyrics, which will make you even more part of their journey. Listen to We Sining Colors in Spotify.
Uniforma (Facebook, Twitter) is a post punk/new wave band created in 2015 in Bucharest. The band’s sound is a mixture of rough and fast “old school punk”, combined with highly synthesized elements. Their songs has been noted for their extremely energetic and fast tempo. The name of the band is inspired by mandatory school uniforms during Ceausecsu’s dictatorship. Listen to Uniform in Spotify.